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A member registered Sep 18, 2019

Recent community posts

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Anuke isnt in charge of all of the servers, they are all community hosted. So instead report these situations to the moderaters and admins.

And the V2B feature probably might already be a server plugin that exists.

Im not sure if you can edit the campaign maps. Plus anuke (which is one person not a team) already made attack maps on the campaign, which are; Fungal Pass, Overgrowth, and Salt Flats I think.

im using release 97 BTW

hey theres a bug that does not allow me to enter a campaign map, the launch button is greyed out they it does if you dont have enough resources to enter the map, but i do though. I dont know if its because of the example mod i loaded in or just an actual bug.

im sorry but please explain what you mean by latest "thing" of mindustry.

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when you download a new version of mndustry, your progress transferrs to that version also. Or you can switch to the itch app version which auto updates while still having ur progres